Tick Tock
I've written on this passage before, but it's just too good to pass up again. We'll take a different approach to it this time. Keep in mind that these words are about Jesus:
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, in heaven, and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities..."
Colossians 1:15-16
For the astute Bible scholars out there, you'll know that I left some off of verse 16. We'll pick it up in a few mouse-wheel scrolls.
Anyways, we don't typically think about Jesus in this way. We normally think of Him as the man that humbly walked the earth and gloriously suffered for our sins. These things are beautiful and we should think about them every day! But here, we see Jesus as Creator. Jesus was there the day God spoke the universe into existence. He made everything you see and established every authority you've known. He conjured out of thin air all invisible things like ideas and wisdom and emotions. This man that set foot in Jerusalem made Jersualem! The man that saves souls made souls! Jesus is our God. Creator and all.
But it doesn't end there. We could fall into a trap here. We could say, "Alright, I admit that this universe must have had some divine beginning, but that's it. I think God's left it on its own. It's like He wound up a clock and then let it run its course". We could say that Jesus spoke and then let us be.
Now, let's finish the passage:
"...all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together"
Colossians 1:16-17
The first part repeats our conclusion that all things were created through Him, but then a startling little three-letter word appears that changes everything: for. Jesus had a goal in mind when He made all things: His glory! When He made everything we see, He made it for Him! When He establishes authorities, He made them for Him. He made Jerusalem for Him and saves our souls for Him. The universe isn't just an engineering project to start a clock and see how it turns out. It's a factory that makes glory for Jesus!
The last part says in Him all things hold together. Jesus isn't just a Creator. He's a Sustainer. If the sun rises tomorrow, the only reason it will happen is because Jesus permitted the sun to rise. More personally, if you take a breath in the next 10 seconds, you're still breathing only because Jesus permitted it. If Jesus wasn't actively, lovingly, and powerfully holding this universe together, it would tear apart at the seams! So, this brings us to the all-important closing question the we all need to ask ourselves: Do we trust that Jesus is our great Sustainer?
As we eat our meals or study for exams or stress about work or watch TV, do we acknowledge that Christ is perfectly sustaining our lives? In the midst of tragedies like death or collapsing freeways or trapped miners, do we stand on Jesus our Rock? When we make plans, do we acknowledge that they will only come to fruition if Christ allows? As you stare at these words on your computer screen, do you understand that Christ may have you read this for a reason? Could it be that He wants you to realize that He sustains all things and made them (including you) for His glory?
Yes, Jesus is our Sustainer, Creator, and Savior. He's worthy of our lives. Nothing else comes close.